The Restaurant Technology Guys Podcast brought to you by Custom Business Solutions

Boosting Restaurant Revenue with Digital In-Venue Advertising: A Conversation with Can from Finch

Jeremy Julian

In this episode of the Restaurant Technology Guys podcast, Jeremy Julian, CRO of Custom Business Solutions with over 25 years in restaurant tech, hosts Can, a serial entrepreneur and founder of Finch. Finch offers innovative digital media platforms tailored for restaurants, allowing them to advertise in-house specials and sell screen time to third-party advertisers. Can explains how Finch aims to help restaurant owners enhance guest experiences, drive behavior, and boost margins without incurring costs for hardware or installation. Highlights include real-time advertising capabilities, success stories and upcoming features to enhance customer loyalty and venue revenues. Finch currently operates in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Miami. For more information, restaurants can reach out directly via Instagram @FinchVenues or email

00:00 Introduction to Today's Episode
00:09 The Rise of Digital Media in Retail
00:27 Introducing Can and His Digital Media Platform
01:21 Meet Jeremy Julian
01:50 Welcome to the Restaurant Technology Guys Podcast
02:37 Can's Journey in the Startup Industry
03:38 The Concept Behind Finch
04:54 How Finch is Revolutionizing In-Venue Advertising
06:15 Real-World Applications and Success Stories
12:11 Ensuring Security and Customization
14:36 Cost and Implementation of Finch
29:43 Future Plans and Expansion
31:38 Conclusion and Contact Information

This is the Restaurant Technology Guys podcast, helping you run your restaurant better.

Jeremy Julian:

In today's episode, we are joined by John, who is. Building a digital media platform for restaurants. If our restaurant owners out there aren't aware the digital media network continues to hit retail all over. I spent a decent amount of time talking to different grocers. And whether it's Walmart or it's Kroger. They're all putting digital advertising within their stores to try and drive some customer behavior. Can and his organization have created the exact same thing for restaurants. If you're not familiar with it, he and I go super deep into the what and the why and the how, and his offer is coming to you free. If you guys are interested, they'll allow you to. Advertise within the store. Some of the items that you guys are looking to drive behaviors, as well as sell some of the, screen time to other digital advertisers to pay for the equipment and the installation and such. I would encourage you all to educate yourself on digital media. And digital advertising within your venues because there's lots of opportunities to not only drive the behavior you're looking for within your guests, but also the ability to help you. Increase your margins on the items that you're looking to push in ways that you traditionally might not have thought about it. If you're not familiar with me, my name is Jeremy Julian. I am the chief revenue officer for custom business solutions. We write the north star point of sale solution for restaurants and multiunit restaurants, particularly. Uh, I have spent over 25 years of my career in the restaurant tech industry. And love giving back. And so these conversations continue to help inform the, uh, the industry and help you guys not make mistakes that others have already made. Enjoy the show. welcome back to the Restaurant Technology Guys podcast. I thank everyone out there for joining us. As I say each and every time, I know you guys got lots of choices. So thank you guys for spending some time this week with me. today we are joined by a guest that, I'm excited for Can to share a little bit about his background, where the idea came from, multiple time founders, I love entrepreneurial stories. And so I'm going to, let Can, why don't you introduce yourself to our group? Who is Can? where did you come from? And then let's talk a little bit about, what you guys are building.'cause I'm excited, and I think restaurants are gonna be taken back with, all of the stuff that you're doing.'cause I think there's a lot of, runway for it. And if people haven't already started, explored, it'll be cool to talk through that. But tell everybody a little bit of a story, your background, where you came from and as well as some of the stuff that you've done in the past.

Can Ipekci:

yeah, sure. first of all, thank you for this opportunity, like really excited to be here. And this is actually my first podcast. really excited about this. I've been in the startup industry in the last almost 20 years now, started with, some local startups in Turkey, including, Groupon. back there, that's where I first, got to meet, hospitality businesses, bars and restaurants, as a business partner. and then, around 10 years ago, I moved to the U S, worked on startups again, and this time it was mostly focused on, digital out of home advertising, first on taxi tops, then in, sports bars. I'm familiar with the, with how the advertising works. And I was talking to a friend of mine who's, who used to live in San Francisco. We were having, we were having a burger in a New York diner and told him about the opportunities in the space. And, he was like, why don't we Start a business around this. And we started talking, we started talking about how we can, improve the margins of the businesses by, allowing them to do better marketing at zero cost, build a marketing operation, operating system for these, venues, without charging them through advertising. we took the idea to, some investors. They liked it, they liked the opportunity, and we launched Finch almost a year ago, early January last year.

Jeremy Julian:

Wonderful. and I think by the time this comes around it'll probably be, celebrating your, your one year anniversary, which is, which is incredible, especially in the startup space, because, As that's not easy tracking for those, digging a little bit for me, Can, about what is digital advertising even mean? Because I think those that aren't in, in media and or in advertising and in marketing don't get it. They're used to seeing either TV ads or you see the Super Bowl ads or any of those kinds of things. You talked about your history with, advertising on the top of taxicabs. But I think there's a very unknown commodity that's out there, which is the attention of the people that are already in your venue. So talk to me a little bit about what Finch is trying to solve for, because I think at the end of the day, we are going to all be hit with more and more of this type of, digital engagement, in venues as we continue to expand and continue to grow.

Can Ipekci:

yep. Yes, we definitely will be if we can help it basically digital autofoam is Advertising that's you have been used to on on the buses on the billboards, on the side of the road on everything you see outside now, it's getting digitized Significantly, so like everything else and venues has been a part of this to venues have been using digital signage solutions for a significant amount of time. They had the digital billboards in the in their venues showcasing their offerings. what we are doing at Finch is bringing these digital billboards into the venues. in a very cost effective manner, basically at zero cost, training the venues on how to use them the best, how to, improve their margins, get the customers to get returned to the venue more frequently. so helping out with, retention and revenue, their retention and revenue. And on the advertiser side, we are giving them, we are giving the brands access to an audience who's sitting in these venues for a significant amount of time. we are allowing them to be part of the conversation at the table, basically.

Jeremy Julian:

I'd love to talk about what are people doing today? Because I think that all too often, at least in my experience, they're doing some form of advertising within the venue. You talked a little bit about digital menu boards, but if I'm at that, that sports bar, what are they doing today to both drive behavior and kind of talk to me about what is Finch solving for lack of a better term? Because I think at the end of the day, you're going to get a lot of listeners that are like, I just have TVs and they're playing the basketball game or they're playing the football game and. I don't really care, but at the end of the day, I think controlling the guest experience is a huge piece of what we talk about here on the show. Often, whether that's through the digital app or that's through advertising where that's through menu selection or how you're greeting your guests. There's so many different ways you're controlling the guest experience. What are people doing today when they don't have Finch? What does it look like? Talk us through just the standard environment as to who is a customer that you guys might go in and be able to change their world and turn it upside down if they do implement

Can Ipekci:

They are already, the venue owners are already doing in venue advertising. This is basically, they're special on the, in the front of their, menu. It could be flyers that they, they post up in the venue. Showcasing, their menu highlights, events they might be hosting, and, there are, like, hundreds of, venues in Brooklyn, where, in where I live, that has all kinds of events. These could be open mic nights, these could be, movie nights in, in the venue, and they, Try to advertise this, using, using posters and other, costly, costly, both from a, financial and, human resource, side, costly, solutions. What Finch is doing is, putting up a, a digital screen in the venue. Right next to the, screens that are showing the basketball game. And, that's, that game is, getting the attention of the, that game is getting the attention of the, guests. And right next to it, they're advertising, hey, get, get 5, drink special during the game. It's, an engaging, piece of creative that promotes whatever they want to promote, whatever they want to test, like it's, for a restaurant, it could be, showcasing their, best desserts. you do not get, as a guest, you do not get, the dessert options. At the end of the meal, but you get ready for it while you are eating you while you are hungry You see that tasty tiramisu up there And so when the wait staff asks for you, do you want the dessert? You are already primed to say yes

Jeremy Julian:

Love that. And so historically you, you talked about it. It was either point of purchase. I've got a flyer, I've got a table tent, I've got a menu insert and or it was something that was a physical piece of, of paper or a poster that was posted on the board to try and drive guest behavior. You guys are flipping that all digital. and so before we go down, how can you guys deliver this at very little cost to the end user? For those that, that don't even understand how to create a digital ad that, that is going to do these things, how hard is it to go down that path? Because if I'm not a graphic artist, I'm not one of those people that understands how to go create these things. I've got my menu guy that's been doing my menus for the last 20 years. I tell them I'm doing the new chicken sandwich special. I'm doing the new tiramisu special. They give me a, a flyer that I can stick into my menu. They get all of that. as these things go digital, what, what and why, not even why, because I think I understand why as an owner or as somebody that's running this venue. How do we make it simple for them to go create these advertisements and they can do them on the fly because they are digital. They are something that they can do and change as time goes on.

Can Ipekci:

that's actually one of the first feedbacks we got from the cast the venue owners before we even launched our product that was their first concern like I don't have time to create these or like it's expensive Great. one of the first, features we built into, Finch was, templates. We now have, hundreds, if not, over a thousand templates for everything from, any kind of, any kind of food items you might think of, celebration, seasonal celebrations. Upcoming, upcoming games, trivia nights, open mic nights, everything we have. Now you just go into the Finch app, you search for what you want to put up there, you see probably a few, templates that match that, you edit the text on it, just like you would write something on Instagram basically. And then, put it up to the, to your screen in two minutes, less than two minutes, probably once you get the hang of it,

Jeremy Julian:

Love that. you talk about advertising or do you have clients that are using them for other things, celebrating a bartender that's doing great, celebrating a guest that's a regular, any of those kinds of things, or is it primarily just driving, driving menu behavior, driving beverage behavior, those kinds of things.

Can Ipekci:

the driving, driving menu behavior is the, most common use case, but we do see depending on the vibe of the venue, we have seen, venues that celebrate the, birth, birthday of a, of a regular, which. it's a personalized. it's a personalized experience. we have seen the stuff, stuff of the month, stuff of the week, engagements that these venues create. So it's all, It's all possible with Finch. We are, like, it's all up to, it's the screen, experience belongs to the venue. They can put up whatever they want up there, and, we do see very creative, use cases.

Jeremy Julian:

I could see that. I remember years ago, I was in a taco place and it was a unique taco place. And they actually had their Twitter feed on. And if you tag their Twitter, your tweet could come up with a picture of your sandwiches and those kinds of things. And it was interesting. They ultimately had to take it down because, they struggled because there was no, there was nobody gatekeeping what people are posting. And now it's showing up on a, on, on a venue and, on a digital display within the venue. Talk me through, how do you guys deal with that? how do you guys deal with people not being able to hijack those televisions and send stuff to them? again, I, I know that there's stories out there of people being able to hack into these things and display things. how are you guys getting around that?

Can Ipekci:

we work on a closed loop system, it's, basically, our, hardware is tied to the TVs that, we own and operate, so there is no third party, reaching to these screens. it's all comes to our server. And luckily with the, with this stage AI is in at the moment, it's can really easily flag any type of inappropriate content and we do, we do, flag them and, we do take. take it off is not the right word. We do not allow that kind of content to go up. and because the control is just with the venue manager and, and the people that they designate, but we still have that control because a disgruntled employee might. something. That was one of the concerns as well. the disgruntled employees that have the control of the device. And we do have those. We do have those, safety checks in place for that kind of behavior. I haven't seen it yet, but it's better to be safe than sorry. So we built that.

Jeremy Julian:

Yeah. and again, humans are humans and they're going to do stupid things from time to time. And so that, that's a, that's always something to safeguard. And again, I think we'll go down the path of how you guys are paying for this. One of the other thoughts I guess I'm thinking about is do you have the ability through the Finch app to display different items on different TVs throughout the venue? I'm in the bar. I want the bar specials to hit, but if I'm in the dining room. It's showing the appetizers or the tiramisu as you talked about or is it all just broadcast everything is on the same because Again, I think you're gonna have customers that are gonna ask these they've got two different, parts of their venue That might be a little bit different. how is it that how is it that you guys? able are able to give them the Ability to say something different on the different screens throughout the venue.

Can Ipekci:

so currently it's a bit hacky. That's a feature we are working on, designated different, different, places in the venue to show different content. Currently, what we do is basically create a duplicate of the venue, as if it was a new venue and assign the TVs to different places. So if they really need it, we have ways of doing it, but we are working on streamlining it.

Jeremy Julian:

I Love that. Can talk me through how can you do this at very little cost to the operators because I think you know You keep you've said zero cost a couple of times and I know every time that we say that People go, yeah, it's too good to be true. Help me understand how it is that you guys are doing that. Because I think part of your monetization strategy is not necessarily different. It's just, it's not necessarily black and white through what you've shared so far. So explain to me how you guys do it at little or no cost to, to the operators or no cost, like you keep saying,

Can Ipekci:

it's not rocket science because, think of it this way. The internet as we know it, It's free, like every product that you use, Google, Facebook, Instagram, whatever you use is free to the end user. because there are people, there are brands who's willing to pay a premium to appear on your feed, appear on a small part of your screen. think of it that way. there are advertisers, there are brands who are willing to reach To these audiences. the guests in the bar is valuable for them, so they get to pay us for the privilege of reaching out to these venues and these guests in the venue so we can make our products for free. Just like the Google does it for the rest of the internet.

Jeremy Julian:

so help me understand if I'm a, how much control do I have over those advertisers that are showing up in my feed? Again, you and I talked pre show about what percentage of the advertising is your own content versus how much of it you guys are selling out to advertisers. I guess first, let's talk through what is that ratio and how does that exactly work and then. Okay. Me as a venue owner, if I'm exclusive to Coca Cola, you definitely don't want Pepsi ads showing up in, in your venue because that'd be really bad. sure, some of our listeners probably saw the, the Pepsi commercials with the, with the sports cars running up to different, well known cookplaces and doing that. But help me understand, how is it, how as a venue owner, how as a operator do I deal with that?

Can Ipekci:

we do, first of all, we do not accept, ads from potential competitors, like other local businesses that are in the, in the hospitality business, that's one thing they have been really serious about. the biggest coffee chain in the U. S. in the world, has been advertising with us. And there have been a couple of venues that, that highlight their coffees, did not want that. They can reach out to us like they can reach out to us and, we take it down. that's not, that's not, Thing that we encourage because at the end of the day, we need to be a sustainable business but if the venue, if the venue really thinks that an ad is not fit for that venue for competitive reasons for Political reasons we have been through a An election cycle where, we had, politicians as our advertisers and some venues were not okay with it, and it's their rights. we don't, they say we don't want, politics in this venue. and we say, okay, we, and we take it down. We hit a revenue hit. But at the end of the day, they know their audience the best and if their audience is going to be turned off by these ads, we don't want that.

Jeremy Julian:

You want to give them control of that, which makes sense. And I think that's one of those things that I know I, we were, we do business with a group that does have some digital advertising within their stores, but they happen to be a faith based organization and they don't want alcohol and drugs in, in their venues. So they would want to turn that off. You say it's free. Do you guys supply all of the hardware and the cabling and the electricity? obviously not the electricity. They, the venue needs to do that. Is that something that you guys help offset those costs to get them installed? walk me through, what does an engagement look like if I'm a potential venue and I've got, I want to put in six digital advertisement, screens, or is it just a single one? Talk me through I'm one of those people that's sitting out here going. All right. I want to give Can a chance. let's go figure out how to make this happen. What does that look like? And how does that work?

Can Ipekci:

the first thing we do, like even when we are, in the, in the early talks with the venue is to, scout out the best locations to put those screens in, because we want them to be in impactful places where, the guests could see them and, engage with them. because we do supply, every piece of hardware, the installation and the software for free. what we ask, from the venue is the electricity and internet. Basically that's all they have to do. We do everything else for them. We, if there's any issue with the, issue with the screens, we go back and fix them. if, someone throws a bottle at them again, never happened yet, but

Jeremy Julian:

It will.

Can Ipekci:

okay, let's say tonight, hopefully, but it's probably well, When, when that happens, we'll be replacing the TV the next day for free again.

Jeremy Julian:

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Can Ipekci:

70 percent of the screen time belongs to the venue. it is the advertising is at most 30 percent. it's, usually not even that at the moment. we are in early stages, but we found that to be a sweet spot because like we don't want, we don't want advertising to be the prominent thing on those screens because we want those screens to have a utility. first of all, we don't, like even though we make our money off of advertising, we know that, for this to be valuable for the venue, they need to have the majority of the content. So 70 30 is the sweet spot that we found.

Jeremy Julian:

Love that. and as a restaurant owner, I think I would want to be able to control that have you guys gotten to multi units where they A restaurant owner has three or four four different restaurants that they're advertising with finch at this point And if so, how have you guys dealt with it? Is it all solely at the unit level? Or do they have the ability to share some of the content across the different? venues in the brand

Can Ipekci:

so it is, we do have some, owners who own multiple, multiple venues. Even if it's not the, if it's the same brand, they have the ability to and share the content they created for one menu to the others. it's, it is not like we don't have a, this a bit too technical, but we don't have a multi tenant system yet. the best way to do it is to export and, re import. So ads. another minute to the process if they want to edit to another venue. yeah, we do support that and we do have, such, such venues. We don't, we are not in, we are not in, franchises yet or, bigger chains and we do not foresee that we'll be in them in the near future.

Jeremy Julian:

that makes sense. so I'm a restaurant manager. I'm a restaurant owner. I'm a venue owner You've talked about it a couple of times and I want to go place an ad up on the screen It's Friday night. The game just got canceled. Now. I'm gonna give them half off wings Is that even possible to do and again? I'm just you know, everybody came in for the game gets rained out Now I want to keep them there and I want to place an ad. Is it something that I can do that real time where I can throw up an ad for half price wings or whatever? Talk me through what that process even looks like young Can because i'd love to Simplify it for these restaurant operators because oftentimes as you said in the beginning people are like, ah, I got too much to do I don't want to be a graphic artist. I don't know how to do all of this stuff To your commentary and some of the early success that you guys have had it's driving some crazy behavior so i'd love to Walk through even hey, I come up with an idea. It's Friday night The game gets rained out and now I want to keep people here drinking and eating And I want to go throw a special up there. What would it take for somebody to do that?

Can Ipekci:

Okay, I'll actually tweak the experience a bit. Let's say the local team won. instead of the game raining out, let's think about happy scenarios. The local team won. and then you are feeling generous. You want to keep your guests in, celebrate there. you take your phone out. You launch the Finch app. you want to give, half of wings. So you search for, wings in the app, in the template library that we have. You pick one of the templates that we have. You write 50 percent of wings tonight. You set it to go live immediately, and you can put an expiration date on it, until midnight, let's say. You push a button. in less than two minutes, it's going to go up on the screen. It's

Jeremy Julian:

That's incredible. That's awesome

Can Ipekci:

quite nice. Yeah, it's quite nice technology.

Jeremy Julian:

because from that perspective, People will talk about digital menu boards even in a quick service environment and being able to make those changes I think being able to do it in a full service venue. I Continue to run into people going oh, why would I want to have a digital menu board for sit down dining and to, to your point, you want to be able to, I don't say change behavior, but at least make sure that people understand the offerings. I know for myself, when I go out to a brand, I go out to the cheesecake factory, I'm going to eat one of two things. When I go out to Outback Steakhouse, I'm going to eat one of two things. When I go out to any of these chains, if I'm going to my local restaurant, my local Vinny's Italian, I always get the same thing. If I'm going to this other place, I always get the same thing. We continue to want to grow our restaurant businesses and bar business. We need to be able to move people through the menu selection and have them ordering other things that might be either more profitable or easier to produce or any of those kinds of things. So making that awareness, because sometimes in brands, I don't even open up the menu because I know exactly what I want when I get there. And so being able to change that behavior, do you have any success stories from a brand or two and what changed from pre Finch to post Finch and that you'd be willing to share with our audience?

Can Ipekci:

one of the restaurants we have in San Francisco, is using Finch app to, help the guests visualize the daily special. Because daily special is usually something that, your wait staff comes and says, okay, today's special is, this and this, cooked with this. So it's, it's Really hard for you to visualize what it looks like. It might, if it sounds tasty, you might order it, but, I usually don't. That's personal experience. I usually go with the, menu items. But one of our venues is, they are quite good with their, iPhone photography. So they prepare a plate. They take a really nice, photo of it. put it up on the screen and then, it's, it starts, showing on the screen. So when the, when the guests are sitting there, waiting for their waitstaff, they see the daily special over there. So when that conversation starts, they have a point of reference on what to expect, which was taken a few hours ago. So it's not a stock photo of, of the special. and Oh, this looks good. it's increased the, it's increased the, daily special, sales by more than 20%. As per the venue owner, I don't, we don't yet have access to the transaction data, but empirical evidence says that it works for them. And that's something we are trying to educate other venue owners, as well.

Jeremy Julian:

Yeah, no, and I could see that being something I know oftentimes, people will food specials, on Monday it's this and Tuesday it's that. They have these specials on a regular basis, but I know well run restaurants oftentimes will make, whatever was left over from last night, they'll turn it into the special for the next day. Oftentimes whether that's a protein or some of those things. Unfortunately, if you don't sell it. It ends up being waste a lot of times because you can only leave it in the in the menu for so Long so being able to drive that.

Can Ipekci:

Think of it the other way too. Like it doesn't have to be leftover stuff. there is a, there's a trend of going to the farmer's market by chef, getting whatever they find for that day and be creative with it. think of it that way. It's, it something unique, something for that night only because, it might not show up in the farmer's market tomorrow. And, the, Restaurants owner, the chef wants to share that with the, with the guests. it's a powerful tool for that as well.

Jeremy Julian:

and being able to communicate that digitally as well as you know Just it changes the because you can't print menus. You can't reprint menus on a daily basis But doing them on a digital there's almost no incremental cost to Taking that iPhone photo photograph, posting it up there with what the daily special is. I love that use case. how do people learn more? Tell me a little bit more about what the engagement would look like if they were to reach out to your team. is it, something that they can be up and running, in 30 days, 60 days, what is that engagement look like when they start with your team and start to learn more about what it is that you guys are doing?

Can Ipekci:

first of all, it depends on the market there and we currently operate in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Miami. so as long as, they're in one of those markets, we do, we would send, we would send one of our account executives to the venue, to talk a bit more about it. and decide on where to, where to do the placements, etc. And we usually install it in Less than a week if the venue, if it's fits the venue schedule. So we have a pretty quick turnaround times, advantages of being a startup. we can approve and install a venue in less than a week. If they're in a market that we do not operate yet, we do ask their permission to reach back to them when we open that market. We want to launch four new markets in 2025, so hopefully they'll be in one of those four markets. And again, they'll be the first to have Finch in their venues when we launch the market.

Jeremy Julian:

love the, I love the thought of it. And again, I think you, you're, you using the example of kind of. Google and or Facebook or whatever the, whatever we want to talk about it at the end of the day, getting people to see the items that we have to be able to change their behavior is a huge piece of, of that. last question. I want to talk about, as far as the tech where, what other. And I know grocery, retail, cinema, theaters, like a lot of them have been trying to get in, shopping malls have been trying to get into this digital advertising space, where do you see it growing most in both your areas, as well as just some other areas so that people can start to think about it after they've now gotten educated about what Finch is doing and go, Oh, I see what they're doing there so that they can start to internalize it for themselves.

Can Ipekci:

Okay, one of the things that, we want to do is to launch a really easy to, to start, loyalty and offers program. we are about to launch a, B2C app that is, that allows the venues to advertise for any offer, let's say, free appetizer in your next visit on the Finch screens. All the user needs to do is to, download, Finch app, claim that offer. And the next time they're in the venue, they get there, they get that offer. So we want to increase the, visit frequency to the venue because, at the end of the day, there are some very Low cost, but high value items that, the guests appreciate and the venues are more than happy to give away for free if they come back into, sit down and have another dinner there. So that is the, connecting the, connecting those digital screens to the, user's phones is, is the next step.'cause at the end of the day, having. Constant communication, allowing the constant communication with the customer is the holy grail of marketing. that's what we are trying to solve for as well. And that applies to every kind of business. I think the, in venue experience is great, but you have to make sure that you bring both new people and the, and the current guests, back into the physical locations more frequently and, restaurants do not have the luxury of, doing e commerce, yeah, they, they could do food delivery, but, It's not the same. if that's going to

Jeremy Julian:

its own fair share of problems as we've talked to multiple guests in the past about. and, again, I think, you said it at the beginning of the show. I think it's going to be, can become one of those things that, You know 10 years from now we're gonna be like how did we not have these screens to tell us what was going on? and I see finch as one of those, opportunities to really change the game what else have we not shared with the audience that you think that They should think about and they should be learning about as they're either in one of these venues in these cities where you guys are or As you guys are growing outside of the current venues that you guys are in and they're starting to think about You guys come into a city near them What other things should they be thinking about that you might not have shared on today's show

Can Ipekci:

we shared quite a bit, but like it does, it does make sense to be in a network and at Finch we want to, we want to, build a network of these venues. To give the, give the small businesses a fighting chance against the, against the giants. I think there's a real opportunity here. Cause like these kinds of tools are usually too expensive for SMBs to buy. But the giants are too slow to implement them. So the, everyone loses out, the guests lose out, SMBs lose out and the giants lose out because they are slow to the market. The opportunity we have with Finch is that. If you join, the Finch network as a small business, you get access to these tools for free, at zero cost at a startup speed. speed you couldn't, buy anywhere else at a price that you couldn't find anywhere else.

Jeremy Julian:

set it in a week from the time they come in and do the venue. you guys, if you guys can pull that off, that's incredible.

Can Ipekci:

we are. architecture to be able to do that, basically.

Jeremy Julian:

Yeah, and again, we've talked about, guest experience on the show being so paramount, ensuring that your guests are getting the best products that you produce. You talked about this farmer's market idea. I love that concept. And it's like, how do we make the guest experience as good as possible? Because at the end of the day, when you do that, you get repeat guests coming back. means that restaurants continue to succeed. And I love that you guys have built this. I love that you guys are building a network in these different communities to truly help these restaurants continue to grow, which is why I love having you on the show today.

Can Ipekci:

thank you very much for, thank you very much for inviting me to the show. would love to get in touch with any venues that are interested in learning more about Finch. our primary, our primary channel for communication, with these venues we found out is Instagram. They love using Instagram. So at Finch venues is our Instagram account. send us a DM or they can send us an email at hi at Finch now. com. So would love to learn more about what they need, what we can do for them and hopefully onboard them in less than a week if they're in the right place.

Jeremy Julian:

I love it. thank you very much for continuing to solve the problem. Part of why the show exists is to help, small operators to not make mistakes that ultimately cost them too much money. And they, it hurts their bottom line, hurts the guest experience. So I love what you guys are doing. I love the fact that so much of this stuff is getting digital. So thank you for creating, the solution to our listeners, guys. Like I said at the beginning, you guys have got lots of choices. So thanks for hanging out with me today. thanks Can for sharing the vision of what it is that you guys are building and where it's going and to our listeners, make it a great day.

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